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Amateur Art for a good cause

Des de que tinc us de raó, sempre m'ha agradat dibuixar i pintar. Al crèixer, em vaig deixar atrapar per "acabar l'escola", "anar a la universitat", "trobar una feina"... deixant de banda l'art. Quan va començar la quarentena pel COVID-19, vaig decidir pintar altre cop. Va arribar-me que "El Rebost", centre de distribució d'aliments de Terrassa, atén 1.485 usuaris més que abans de la COVID-19. Això suposa un augment de gairebé un 45%. Com a ciutadana i estudiant de Terrassa, vaig decidir que havia de fer algo al respecte. Per tal d'ajudar a l'organització a poder arribar a totes les famílies que ho necessiten, he iniciat el projecte Art for Food. Les pintures que trobareu aquí són peces úniques fetes per mi, una artista amateur. Tots els beneficis aniran destinats a "El Rebost".



Ever since I can remember, I loved drawing and painting. Growing up, I got caught in "finish school", "go to University", "find a job"... Basically having no time to paint. When lockdown due to COVID-19 started, I found myself with loads of time, so I decided to start painting again.  I found out that "El Rebost", a charity providing food in the city of Terrassa (Spain), is serving 1.485 people more than before the COVID-19 crisis, which is 45% more than before. As a citizen and a student from Terrassa, I decided I had to do something about it. In order to help the organization reach all the families in need, I've started Art for Food. The paintings you'll find here are unique pieces done by me, an amateur artist. All the profits will go to the food bank

Why Art for Food: Bio
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